This is how Trucks - Containers
adds value to your company.
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VISUAL CONTROL TOWER - For vehicles, containers, big bags, pallets or any other cargo unit.
CUSTOM REPORTS - In various formats: Tables, kanbans, schedules, timelines, etc.
WORKFLOWS - That connect steps of a process and control time at each stage.
TOTAL TRACEABILITY -For international certifications or accreditations such as ISO, BASC, and AEO (Authorized Economic Operator).
ZERO PENALTIES - For delays due to lack of control of container return dates.
ZERO PENALTIES - For delays due to lack of control of container return dates.
AUTOMATED REPORTS - Scheduled delivery of periodic and customized reports with your own logo.
GRAPHIC DASHBOARDS - With counters, bars, pies, searchers, levels, buttons, links, etc.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - And greater commercial impact on your customers with a branded app.
COLLABORATIVE WORK - Allows sharing reports and data
with team members and stakeholders.
COLLABORATIVE WORK - Allows sharing reports and data
with team members and stakeholders.

UNLIMITED STORAGE -Additionally, with no limits on the number of records, photos, checklists, or signatures in each form.
MOBILE APP - We provide a branded mobile application for Android devices (and iOS if required).
INTEGRATION - With all your legacy software, as well as quality management systems.
Watch this video of an operation for a particular Load Unit (containers)
on Trucks-Containers.com
Your Branded Logistics App
This is how Trucks - Containers
improve the logistics process.
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Discover our

TASK DISPATCH - To operational forms, directly from any loading unit.
to devices, as well as alarms and color changes on the screen.
PDF's - To print, send automatically by email or download from the app.
CONDITIONAL LOGIC - Conditions specific options or questions based on previously selected answers.
DOCUMENTARY CONTROL - For example, for vehicles and drivers, with alerts on the expiration date of licenses and registration plates.
FULL ACCESS TO HISTORICAL DATA - Allows searches by any field and at any stage of the process.
CONTROL OF USERS AND ROLES - Allows assigning different access levels and responsibilities to each participant in the process.

CUSTOM FORMS - And Checklists with evidence in photos, signatures, and video.
PHOTO AND VIDEO CAPTURE - Visual recording of the condition of the cargo throughout the supply chain.
CODE READING -Scanning of seals, barcodes, QR codes, serial numbers, license plates, etc.
DATA VALIDATION -Validates and requires input of only correct data through on-screen alerts.
AUTOMATION - Through code in fields, formats and processes creating standard routines.
What goals could you accomplish with Trucks-Containers.com?
- Complete control and visibility over your logistics operations, ensuring efficiency and accountability.
- Significantly reduce operating costs and avoid fines due to delays.
- Customize an app with your brand for seamless integration into all your processes.
- Achieve a clear competitive advantage by meeting customer specifications and winning bids.
- Enable seamless coordination between office staff and field operators.
- Standardize formats and reports for streamlined communication with clients.
- Integrate and collaborate online with your existing systems.
- Optimize the use of costly human and physical resources.
- Obtain or document international accreditations such as ISO, BASC, and AEO (Authorized Economic Operator).